Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Getting checked out and treated for asbestos diseases

Asbestos cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis can lie dormant for decades before symptoms start to show. Doctors who suspect mesothelioma will ask about your exposure to asbestos, and most people find this difficult to remember, especially if it happened decades ago. Check out our list of Naval Vessels for places where you might have been exposed, as well as our list of shipyards and asbestos-containing materials used by the military. If you worked with any of these materials or in any of these locations, be sure to tell your doctor during examinations. Early Detection is the best defense against asbestos diseases.

If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, our site has extensive information on treatment. Contact us if you need help finding a doctor or medical center that can handle this form of cancer.

The VHA has designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers throughout the country. These are large hospitals with experienced oncologists and nursing staffs. The VA also has established, at a community level, outpatient clinics that provide medical care for eligible veterans. Click here for a list of outpatient clinics by state.

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